(Units : Million yen)

By period FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Item Sum % Sum % Sum % Sum % Sum %
 Liquid assets
  Cash on hand and in banks 9,323 12,433 14,261 13,224 12,522
  Notes and accounts receivable 5,389 3,370 3,990 5,004 7,056
  Securities 89 51 - 487 58
  Inventory 10,454 9,451 8,921 11,610 19,563
  Other 722 656 1,087 2,135 1,135
  Provision for bad debts -156 -150 -185 -189 -193
 Total liquid assets 25,824 69.6 25,814 81.2 28,077 84.7 32,273 83.1 40,143 84.2
 Fixed assets
  Tangible fixed assets
   Buildings and structures 1,715 1,055 1,078 1,171 1,307
   Machinery and transportation equipment 124 132 95 58 112
   Land 1,784 1,766 1,801 1,515 1,524
   Lease assets 12 0 0 0 6
   Other 1,312 118 258 592 998
  Total tangible fixed assets 4,950 13.3 3,072 9.7 3,233 9.8 3,338 8.6 3,950 8.3
  Intangible fixed assets 4,426 27 95 143 219
  Investments 1,889 2,858 1,695 3,025 3,261
 Total fixed assets 11,266 30.4 5,958 18.8 5,024 15.2 6,508 16.8 7,431 15.6
 Total assets 37,090 100.0 31,772 100.0 33,144 100.0 38,816 100.0 47,698 100.0
 Current liabilities
  Notes and accounts payable 3,094 1,302 2,133 3,559 4,853
  Lease obligations 51 52 65 80 105
  Income tax payable 591 619 202 356 392
  Provision for bonuses 291 188 249 277 366
  Other 2,112 6,876 2,755 3,351 3,813
 Total current liabilities 6,142 16.6 9,038 28.4 5,406 16.3 7,625 19.6 9,260 19.4
 Long-term liabilities
  Lease obligations 185 155 169 173 189
  Other 459 464 4,397 3,854 9,592
 Long-term liabilities total 644 1.7 620 2.0 4,568 13.8 4,027 10.4 9,782 20.5
 Total liabilities 6,787 18.3 9,659 30.4 9,974 30.1 11,653 30.0 19,042 39.9
(Net assets)
 Shareholders’ equity
  Capital 2,216 2,216 2,216 2,220 2,220
  Capital surplus 2,762 2,762 2,762 2.765 2,764
  Retained earnings 25,984 18,174 18,790 21,699 24,570
  Treasury stock -2 -2 -2 -402 -2,353
  Total shareholders’ equity 30,962 83.5 23,151 72.9 23,768 71.7 26,283 67.7 27,202 57.0
 Valuation and translation adjustments abstract
  Valuation difference on available-for-sale securities 134 343 151 215 287
  Deferred gains or losses on hedges - - - - -
  Foreign currency translation adjustment -793 -1,381 -750 664 1,166
  Total accumulated other comprehensive income -658 -1.8 -1,038 -3.3 -598 -1.8 879 2.3 1,453 3.0
  Subscription rights to shares - - - - -
  Total net assets 30,303 81.7 22,113 69.6 23,169 69.9 27,163 70.0 28,655 60.0
 Liabilities and net assets 37,090 100.0 31,772 100.0 33,144 100.0 38,816 100.0 47,698 100.0